BEN HO 何幹彬先生 | 行政總監及首席顧問
Founder and principal consultant of Training Master International Limited
Certified Management Consultant
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Certified Practitioner
Certified Action Learning Coach
Former executive trainer in HSBC
Senior instructor in Hong Kong Outward Bound Training School
Founding member of the Hong Kong Institute of Adventure Counseling (HKIAC)
Over 20 years experience in experiential and adventure-based training
ALEX LAU 劉燦燊先生 | 培訓導師
7 years in experiential education
Worked with Outward Bound Hong Kong, YMCA
Experience in diverse types of clients
ALFRED CHOW 周家謙先生 | 培訓導師
Expert on experiential training and outdoor education
Specializes in camp education
Degree of Sports and Recreation Leadership
Awarded outstanding participant in International Camp Counselor Program
SCOTT CONANT 史葛高蘭特 | ACCT挑戰場地證書課程資深顧問
Director of training for Signature Research Inc. USA
Over 25 years at Winthrop University in the Department of Health and Physical Education
Served on a regional board of directors for AEE
Association for Challenge Course Technology Facilitator Certification Implementation Task Force
Co-author of “101 Teambuilding Activities, Ideas Every Coach Can Use to Enhance Teamwork, Communication, and Trust”
DR. STEVEN SIMPSON 史蒂芬先遜博士 | 資深顧問
Professor and graduate director of recreation management at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Former editor of the Journal of Experiential Education
Premier research journal specializing in experiential education
Received a Fulbright Fellowship at National Taiwan University
Over 50 articles on experiential education, recreation management and environmental studies
Author of the book, "The Leader Who Is Hardly Known: Self-Less Teaching from the Chinese Tradition"
Co-creator of IEE's Chiji Processing Cards